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                                                            Palmyra Palm Tree

                                                            Common name  Palmyra palm, Brab palm, Fan palm, Lontar palm, Toddy palm

                                                            Scientific name  Borassus flabellifer L.
                                                            Family name      ARECACEAE
                                                            Other names      Tan Na, Plee Tan (Chiang Mai), Tan, Tan Yai, Tan Ta Node (Central Thailand),
                                                                             Node, Look Node (Southern Thailand), Tan (Ngiew-Mae Hong Son),
                                                                             Tan (Shan-Mae Hong Son), Tor Tu (Karen-Mae Hong Son),
                                                                             Tang (Karen-Chiang Mai), Ta Nord (Khmer), Ta Nao (Khmer-Battambang)

                                                            Botanical characteristics

                                                                     Tan or Tan Ta Node is a single palm tree that is tall. The trunk is large with hard
                                                            flesh. It is dioecious palm with the size of 30 - 60 centimeters. The height can be 25 - 40

                                                            meters. The trunk has black splinters and very hard. The middle of the trunk is soft.
                                                            The base of the tree has a large group of roots. The short palm has dry, dense sheath.
                                                            It grows well in loose and well - drained soil with moderate humidity. It does not like cold
                                                            weather but prefers the sunlight and it can tolerate saline soil. It has simple leaves, arranged
                                                            in alternate pattern with round shape like a fan. The leaves are thick and green. The tip of
                                                            the leaf is half - deep. The petioles are yellowish in color. The flowers bloom in a bunch
                                                            between the leaf sheaths. Male and female flowers are on separate trees. The flower color
                                                            is yellow and white. The inflorescence comprises of 8 - 16 flowers. When the flowers are in

                                                            full bloom, they are about five centimeters wide. The fresh palm fruit has single seed. The
                                                            fruits stick together in a tight group. The fruit is spherical or short cylindrical in shape. The
                                                            fruit has hard and glossy fibers. They are usually brown or dark purple in color. The tip of
                                                            the fruit is yellow or dark yellow. The yellow tissue is wrapped inside. The skin is glossy, and
                                                            the fruit is about 15 - 20 centimeters in size. The fruit turns black when it is ripe. The boiled
                                                            roots with drinking water can freshen up and relieve ulcer, thirst, and tonsillitis. The embryo
                                                            has high phosphorus, so it strengthens bones and teeth. Squeezed fresh sheaths or petioles
                                                            can treat canker sores. The roasted and pounded yellow leaves can lower blood pressure.
                                                            Palm husks or shells are used as ingredients for medicine to relieve flatulence, indigestion
                                                            and to reduce stomach acid.

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