hat to do during
To celebrate Songkran, there are many activities thronghout
Thailand which vary according to regional tradition. Some of the
activities include:
Cleaning of houses and public places such as temples,
schools, offices to welcome the New Year with cleanlness and
fresh start.
Merit masking by offering alms to monks in dedication to the
late ancestors, going to the temples to listen to Buddhist preaching.
Releasing birds and fish back to their natural habitat is a
common practice during Songkran. This act of giving freedom is a
form of merit making.
Sprinkling water onto Buddha images andmonks is an auspicious
act to receive blessings for the New Year.
Building sand pagodas on temple ground. Bringing sand into
the temple’s premise is considered a merit because the sand can
be used or reused for construction or restoration by the temple.
Pouring water onto the elderly members of the family and/
or the society to show respect and gratefulness and to ask for their
Folk performances and traditional games are organized for
enjoyment as well as to preserve the Songkran tradition.
Throwing water at each other in a friendly manner by using
clean or scented water, exchanging New Year’s greetings during
water play, and in case of doubt, ask permission before throwing
water at someone because he or she may not wish to get wet.